Live with Purpose: Four Questions to Guide Your Journey - FEAST-FUEL

Live with Purpose: Four Questions to Guide Your Journey

In a world constantly in motion, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. Every day is an opportunity to make an impact, to align with your higher calling, and to grow closer to God. But how often do we pause and ask ourselves the deeper questions that guide our purpose in life?

Today, I want to challenge you to reflect on four important questions. These questions aren't just about today—they're about your legacy, your soul, and your relationship with our Heavenly Father.

1. How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

We live in a world where our actions ripple through the lives of others. Whether through kindness, service, or love, the way we touch others defines our legacy. So, ask yourself: How do you want to be remembered?

Will you be remembered as someone who gave of themselves, who lifted others, and who followed the path of righteousness? Or will your life be a story of missed opportunities and self-centered pursuits?

Every day offers us the choice to live with intention. Make today count.

2. What Impact Do You Hope to Have Made During Your Life on Earth?

Impact is more than just success or recognition. It’s about the eternal difference you make in the lives of those around you. When you’re gone, will others be able to say their lives were better because you were in it? Did you spread love, truth, and the gospel of Christ?

Reflect on how your actions align with your mission on earth. Is your heart filled with compassion, and are you driven to share the hope and love found in Jesus?

3. What Happens After You Pass From This World? Will You Go to Heaven? Do You Know?

This is the most crucial question. Our lives here are temporary, but eternity awaits. Where do you stand with God? Do you know, with certainty, what will happen when you pass from this world? Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Have you accepted Him into your heart?

Your eternal destination isn’t something to leave to chance. If you haven’t yet made that decision, I encourage you to explore your faith and draw near to God.

4. Will Our Heavenly Father Be Proud of You?

When the day comes and you stand before our Heavenly Father, will He look at you with pride? Will He say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23)? This isn’t about perfection; it’s about living in alignment with God’s will and purpose for your life.

Are you walking in obedience, living out your faith, and trusting God’s plan for you? Reflect on this daily and allow it to guide your actions, decisions, and relationships.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Purpose

These questions are not meant to overwhelm you but to guide you towards a life of meaning and purpose. God created each of us for a reason, and the answers to these questions will shape the direction of your life. Take time to reflect on them and realign with God’s plan for you.

Your story isn’t finished yet—there’s still time to make an impact, secure your eternity, and live a life that will make your Heavenly Father proud. Remember, tomorrow is not promised.

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